Dan Reed
Dan Reed
Top Movie Cast
3 Days of Terror: The Charlie Hebdo Attackstrue- Narrator Oprah Winfrey Presents: After Neverlandtrue- Himself Michael Jackson: Chase the Truthtrue- Himself Top Movie Crew
3 Days of Terror: The Charlie Hebdo AttackstrueWriting
3 Days of Terror: The Charlie Hebdo AttackstrueCamera
3 Days of Terror: The Charlie Hebdo AttackstrueProduction
Terror in MumbaitrueWriting
Terror in MoscowtrueDirecting
Terror in MumbaitrueDirecting
Terror in MoscowtrueWriting
In the Shadow of 9/11trueDirecting
Legally HightrueDirecting
In the Shadow of 9/11trueProduction
In the Shadow of 9/11trueCrew
Four Hours at the CapitoltrueProduction
Escape from KabultrueProduction
High Class Call GirlstrueProduction
High Class Call GirlstrueCamera
Vjeran Tomic: The Spider-Man of ParistrueProduction
Leaving Neverland: ProSieben SpezialtrueDirecting
Terror at the MalltrueProduction
I Am Andrew TatetrueProduction
Manchester: The Night of the BombtrueProduction
3 Days of Terror: The Charlie Hebdo AttackstrueDirecting
Terror at the MalltrueDirecting
High Class Call GirlstrueDirecting
From Russia with CashtrueDirecting
The Paedophile HuntertrueDirecting
The Truth vs. Alex JonestrueProduction
The Truth vs. Alex JonestrueDirecting
4 Men, 175 Babies: Britain's Super Sperm DonorstrueProduction
Stopping the StealtrueDirecting