Lolita Milyavskaya
Lolita Milyavskaya
Top Movie Cast
Old Songs About the Main Thing 3true Evenings on a Farm Near Dykankatrue- Solokha the Witch The Crazy Day, or The Marriage of Figarotrue- Countess Rosine Cinderellatrue- Stepmother Savva. Heart of the Warriortrue- Mama Zho Zi (voice) Лолита: Мне 41... а кто даст?true- Self Goldfishtrue- teacher of good manners Dying from Love and Happinesstrue The New Adventures of Aladdintrue- robber Very New Year's movie, or Night at the Museumtrue Kingdom of Crooked Mirrorstrue- queen Anidag / participant from France Little Red Riding Hoodtrue- Little Red Riding Hood's mother 1001 Nights, or Territory of Lovetrue- Scheherazade's mother