Ivan Barnev
Ivan Barnev
Top Movie Cast
I Served the King of Englandtrue- Jan Dítě Oxymoron of Eternitytrue- Logos The Art of Fallingtrue- Deni Moravelov The Scent of Lindentrue- Stefan Footsteps in the Sandtrue- Slavi Blaga's Lessonstrue- Police Detective Shark Huntertrue- Dirt Worker #2 Interview in The Womb of The Whaletrue- Medical Assistant Because I Love Bad Weathertrue- Radio host Thirsttrue- The mini bus driver Lady Zeetrue- Nayden Petkov Voice Overtrue- Anton Krastev Triumphtrue- Minister of Defense Blocktrue- Plamen Stoichkov Blessed Are the Meektrue- Ivan Python 2true- Russian Soldier #1 Tarikatrue- Nikola's father Сцени от живота на една актрисаtrue