Jerzy Nowak
Jerzy Nowak
Top Movie Cast
Three Colors: Whitetrue- Old Peasant The Promised Landtrue- Zucker Sędziowie. Tragedyatrue- Jukli Lost Feelingstrue- Clerk (uncredited) Camera Bufftrue- Stanisław Osuch Julie Walking Hometrue- Mieczyslaw "Mietek" Makowsky The Sun Rises Once a Daytrue- "Koślawy" (uncredited) End of the Lonely Farm Berhoftrue- Florian Na własną prośbętrue- Tomkowski Stajnia na Salvatorzetrue- Budapest Courier (uncredited) A Story in Redtrue- Gamekeeper From a Far Countrytrue- Professor Egzekutortrue- Franciszek Kozar Copernicustrue- Man At Funeral (uncredited) Capital, or How to Make Money in Polandtrue- Serafin Ściana czarownictrue- Barkeeper Place on Earthtrue- Doctor (uncredited) Manhunttrue- 'Stary Wiarus' Bigda is Coming!true- Ksawery August Sky – 63 Days of Glorytrue- Leonard Meetings In The Darktrue- Worker (uncredited) Pięciutrue- Alfred Buchta Lenin in Polandtrue- Austrian Officer And the Violins Stopped Playingtrue- professor Epstein Lovers from Maronatrue- Fisherman (uncredited) The Eggtrue- Gospodarz Ewy Alchemiktrue- Książę Kiejstut Co jest w człowieku w środkutrue- Mayor The Courageous Heart of Irena Sendlertrue- old rabbi Legenda Tatrtrue- innkeeper Wherever You Are...true- Officer-Interpreter Schindler's Listtrue- Investor Placówkatrue- Josel Szatzman Podhale w ogniutrue- Soldier stealing Cattle The Revengetrue- murarz I Krab i Joannatrue- Grzegorz Zaruba Mystificationtrue- Askenazy A Gentle Creaturetrue- sklepikarz Our God's Brothertrue- Anthony A Year of the Quiet Suntrue- lekarz przy ekshumacji zwłok Rok pierwszytrue- Miller (uncredited) The End of Our Worldtrue- Blokfuhrer Profile Images
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