Jørgen Kiil
Jørgen Kiil
Top Movie Cast
Otto Is a Rhinotrue- Politimester The Parallel Corpsestrue- Allan Berg Turn Right by the Yellow Dogtrue- Oliver Jensen Six Kids and the Honeymoonerstrue- René Life with Daddytrue- Hr. Dupont Tintomaratrue- Adolfine og Amandas onkel Erik Soya's 17true- Dr. Irving Mogensen Jeg elsker blåttrue- Hugo Hitler Superstartrue- Betjent #1 The Hour of Partingtrue- Petersen The Queen's Guardsmantrue Gold for the Tough Guys of the Prairietrue- Sheriff von Cornerstone Hooray for the Blue Hussarstrue- Ritmester von Rabenberg The Key to Paradisetrue- Ung mand der skal giftes Watch Your Back, Professor!true- Medicinsk professor Med kærlig hilsentrue- Cellist i 1740 In My Lifetrue- Rejseleder