Edith Peters
Edith Peters
Top Movie Cast
The Taming of the Scoundreltrue- Mamie Maskenball bei Scotland Yardtrue- The Peters-Sisters Blood and Rosestrue- The Cook Madri pericolosetrue- Fatima, sorellastra del re Two Gangsters in the Wild Westtrue 5 marines per 100 ragazzetrue The Last Judgmenttrue- Black Woman The Turkish Cucumberstrue- Mahila Robin Hood and the Piratestrue- Palla di Grasso / Bambola / "Fettbällchen" A Policewoman in New Yorktrue- La cameriera Carthage in Flamestrue- Sarepta Under Ten Flagstrue- Suora Suora The Fury of Achillestrue- Nubian Slave Lisa with the Blue Eyestrue- cuoca di colore Canzoni a tempo di Twisttrue