Grant Swanby
Grant Swanby
Top Movie Cast
Dracula 3000true- Arthur "The Professor" Holmwood Tarzan and the Lost Citytrue- Douglas The Falltrue- Father Augustine Black Butterfliestrue- Jan Rabie Ring of the Nibelungstrue Deadly Harvesttrue- Dr. Geyer Shark Killertrue- Diggler Blood Diamondtrue- UNCHR Official The Salvationtrue- Joe No Leg Spud 3: Learning to Flytrue- Frank Invictustrue- Co-Captain of 747 Endgametrue- President's Agent Botha (uncredited) Beyond the Rivertrue- Steve The Reccetrue- Captain Le Roux Finders Keeperstrue- Kiril Blood and Glorytrue- Colonel Swannell Ellen: The Ellen Pakkies Storytrue- Pastor Abrahams Cut-Out Girlstrue- Leigh’s dad Critical Assignmenttrue- Jon Marshall Starship Troopers 3: Maraudertrue- Barkeeper Sulphur & Whitetrue- Koetze Zulutrue- Policeman at grave Street Trashtrue- Businessman