Sze Mei-Yee
Sze Mei-Yee
Top Movie Cast
Three Against the Worldtrue- Uncle Nine Legend of the Brotherstrue 97 Aces Go Placestrue- Yeung's Art Appraiser The Raidtrue- Manchurian Emperor Puyi Iron Monkeytrue- Governor's Advisor Tiger Cage IIItrue- Insp. Chan Tak Shun A Kid from Tibettrue- Doctor at Robinson's Party Master Q 2001true- Master Luck Mad Mad Ghosttrue- Elder Brother Shi Black Masktrue- Chief of Library Midnight Callertrue- Lung Kuen Tin Sai Kung Storytrue- June's father-in-law Vampire Hunterstrue- Clothing Salesman Fight Back to School 2true- Principal Kim A Chinese Ghost Storytrue- Sells Paintings Love Correctiontrue- Steven Profiles of Pleasuretrue- Brothel patron Dating Deathtrue- Sophie's uncle Kawashima Yoshikotrue- Emperor Pu Yi Dragons Forevertrue- Man Waiting at Phone Booth A Chinese Ghost Story IItrue War of the Underworldtrue Bless This Housetrue- Supervisor of Furniture Removal Top Movie Crew
Encounters of the Spooky Kind IItrueWriting
Vampire Vs. VampiretrueWriting
Once Upon a Time in China and AmericatrueWriting
Yes, Madam!trueProduction
The Movie StorytrueDirecting
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