Lyubov Malinovskaya
Lyubov Malinovskaya
Top Movie Cast
Wait For Me, Islands!true Dear, Dearest, Beloved, Unique...true Сколько лет, сколько зим!true- Настасья Васильевна After the Fairtrue- Агата, жена Пранцыся I Love You, Lifetrue- Anna Sevast'yanovna No Path Through Firetrue- мать раненого мальчика Eugene, Little Eugene and Katyushatrue Return of the "Battleship"true The Only Onetrue- speculator Jack Vosmyorkin, Americantrue- Pelageya - mama Yakova Vosmyorkina The Key That Should Not Be Handed Ontrue- Olga Denisovna Black and White Magictrue Other People's Relativestrue- Pelageya The Larktrue- POW in the Field Dauriatrue- Agrafena Kozulina The Last Day of Wintertrue Little Haretrue- секретарша Раечка The Land of Our Fatherstrue Was There Karotin?true- Ксения Степановна Воробей The Bronze Birdtrue- Zherdyai's mother When the Bridges Are Raisedtrue- passenger The Whirligig of Lifetrue Our Correspondenttrue- Varvara Nikitina In the Town of S.true- Анфиса (прислуга Ионыча) Nomad Bustrue- Валя (повар в столовой) The Russian Fieldtrue- Antonina Presumption of Innocencetrue- Nedyalkova - vdova kapitana 1-go ranga Journey to Another Towntrue Domestic Circumstancestrue The Quarrel in Lukashitrue The Man With the Accordiontrue- тетя Феня Чудак-человекtrue- Савранская A Winter Morningtrue- врач Life in Your Handstrue- Anulin's Wife Blockade: The Luga Defense Linetrue- Masha War Under the Roofstrue- Любовь Карповна Black Birchtrue- Алексеиха Our Callingtrue- инспектор A Second Springtrue- charioteer The City Turns the Lights Ontrue- Faculty's Secretary Karpukhintrue- Postnikova Old Wallstrue- Yevsyukova Аварияtrue- соседка Дроздовых I Will Never Forget Youtrue- Kropotova Amazing Establishmenttrue- Фомина