Hrothgar Mathews
Hrothgar Mathews
Top Movie Cast
Reindeer Gamestrue- Exit Guard Who Killed JonBenét?true- Detective Lou Smit Princes In Exiletrue- Rick In the Lake of the Woodstrue- Nat Leming Mother, May I Sleep with Danger?true- English Literature Instructor Bad Moontrue- Jerry Mills (aka "Flopsy") A Decent Proposaltrue- Tony Evans Family in Hidingtrue- Nahanee Second Sighttrue- Dr. Victor Kaufman Meditation Parktrue- Skinny Bylaw Officer A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes: The Annette Funicello Storytrue- Plastic Surgeon When the Vows Breaktrue- Dale Kaminsky Mother Trucker: The Diana Kilmury Storytrue- Cowboy Kiss at Pine Laketrue- George Drive, She Saidtrue- Ernie Legend of the Lost Lockettrue- Mayor Bob Truman The Coretrue- Chief Engineer Mission Control Goodnight for Justicetrue- Harlan Ayles The Investigationtrue- Fred Coombs L.A. Law: The Movietrue- Warren Metallica: Through the Nevertrue- Truck Driver Sugarbabiestrue- Gilbert Woods Ignitiontrue- Sgt. Douglas Penabad 36 Hours to Dietrue- George The Oddstrue- Coach Fortier Fathers & Sonstrue- Hrothgar Mixed Blessingstrue- Mark A Country Weddingtrue- James Final Visiontrue- Paul Stombaugh Can of Wormstrue- Thoad Man Light of My Lifetrue- Calvin Love Under the Olive Treetrue- Tom Cabella Brotherhood of Murdertrue- Robert Maxim Smokin' Aces 2: Assassins' Balltrue- Agent Redstone Garage Sale Mysteries: Searched & Seizedtrue- Miles Wexford Wedding March 2: Resorting to Lovetrue- Corinne's Father Contagioustrue- Medical Examiner #1 The NeverEnding Story IIItrue- Nursery Truck Driver Morning Show Mysteries: A Murder in Mindtrue- Donald G-Saviourtrue- Philippe San Simeone Chateau Christmastrue- Sam Bennet Martian Childtrue- Committee Member Turbulence 3: Heavy Metaltrue- Benny Mitchell When Calls The Heart: New Year's Wishtrue- Ned Yost When Calls The Heart: Christmastrue- Ned Yost When Calls The Heart: The Christmas Wishing Treetrue- Ned Yost Snowbound: The Jim and Jennifer Stolpa Storytrue- Rick Frazier Profile Images
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