Sandu Mihai Gruia
Sandu Mihai Gruia
Top Movie Cast
Blood and Chocolatetrue- Pharmacist The Rest Is Silencetrue- Iancu Ursache Teen Knighttrue- Phil (as Mihai Sandu Gruia) Venice Is Beautiful In Septembertrue Code Unknowntrue- Group Leader Nature Unleashed: Tornadotrue- Gardien (Sandu Gruia I) Gruber's Journeytrue- Dr. Anghel Return of the Living Dead: Rave to the Gravetrue- Mortician Sherlock: Case of Eviltrue- Dr. Cruickshank Lady of Csejtetrue- The Cook Fii cu ochii pe fericiretrue- Călin Red Glovestrue- Dr. Șeitan