Mark DeCarlo
Mark DeCarlo
Top Movie Cast
Frankenstein General Hospitaltrue- Dr. Skip Amy's F**k It Listtrue- Mr. Dalmer Sex Sells: The Making of 'Touché'true- Chuck Steak Jimmy Neutron: Boy Geniustrue- Hugh Neutron / Pilot / Arena Guard (voice) The Ant Bullytrue- Fly (voice) Thumb Wars: The Phantom Cuticletrue- Black Helmet Man (voice) Jimmy Neutron: Attack of the Twonkiestrue- Hugh Neutron (voice) Thumb Wars/Thumbtanic Thumb Double Featuretrue- Black Helmet Man / The Interviewer / TV Anchor (voice) Pinocchio and the Water of Lifetrue- Father Carlo / Coot (voice) Angel 4: Undercovertrue- Joel Hemmert Raising Geniustrue- Officer Hunter Johnny Bravo Goes to Bollywoodtrue- (voice) Finders Keeperstrue- Ken Stevens Thumbtanictrue- The Interviewer / TV Anchor / Elvis / Lookout #2 / Rich Man at Dinner / 'Shuffle Board Finals?' (voice) Jimmy Neutron: The Eggpire Strikes Backtrue- Hugh Neutron / Yokian Waiter (voice) The Babymoontrue- Fabrice Jimmy Timmy Power Hourtrue- Hugh Neutron (voice) Jimmy Timmy Power Hour 3: The Jerkinators!true- Hugh Neutron (voice) A Fare to Remembertrue- Jack The Godthumbtrue- Thummy / Don Bazzarzini / Wartz Bat Thumbtrue- Fred / Narrator / Bank Depositer / Millionaire (voice) Santa vs. the Snowmantrue- Security Elf 1/Flippy Mobsters and Mormonstrue- Carmine "The Beans" Pasquale / George Cheeseman 616 Wilford Lanetrue- Ashley Cordray Esq. Fifty Shades Darkertrue- News Anchor Jimmy Neutron: Runaway Rocketboy!true- Dad (voice) Buffy the Vampire Slayertrue- Coach Top Movie Crew
Pinocchio and the Water of LifetrueWriting
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