Philip Adrian Booth
Philip Adrian Booth
Top Movie Cast
Taboo IIItrue- Band Member (uncredited) Spooked: The Ghosts of Waverly Hills Sanatoriumtrue- Himself - Film Director Top Movie Crew
Death TunneltrueDirecting
Children of the GravetrueDirecting
Taboo IV: The Younger GenerationtrueProduction
Taboo of TarottrueWriting
Caribbean UndercovertrueEditing
Caribbean UndercovertrueCrew
The Naked TruthtrueEditing
Spooked: The Ghosts of Waverly Hills SanatoriumtrueCamera
Spooked: The Ghosts of Waverly Hills SanatoriumtrueWriting
Spooked: The Ghosts of Waverly Hills SanatoriumtrueCrew
Spooked: The Ghosts of Waverly Hills SanatoriumtrueVisual Effects
Spooked: The Ghosts of Waverly Hills SanatoriumtrueEditing
Spooked: The Ghosts of Waverly Hills SanatoriumtrueSound
Angel of the NighttrueSound
Children of the Grave 2trueDirecting
Erotic IntentionstrueWriting
Erotic IntentionstrueCamera
Ghouls Gone WildtrueDirecting
Ghouls Gone WildtrueWriting
To Steal a KisstrueCamera
To Steal a KisstrueEditing
Emerald RaintrueDirecting
Immortal DesiretrueEditing
Empire of the SinstrueEditing
Immortal DesiretrueWriting
To Steal a KisstrueWriting