Francesco D'Adda
Francesco D'Adda
Top Movie Cast
1900true- Soldier on Train (uncredited) The Last Concerttrue- the doctor Brothers Till We Dietrue- The Bespectacled Psychiatrist La madamatrue- Policeman at Militello's House Volesse il cielo!true- Padre di Chiara Continuavano a chiamarli i due piloti più matti del mondotrue For a Book of Dollarstrue- Sheriff Colt 38 Special Squadtrue- Technical Specialist (uncredited) Yeti: The Giant of the 20th Centurytrue- Hunnicut's Secretary Giovannona Long-Thightrue Violent Rometrue- Mr. Pandolfi That Movement Which I Love So Muchtrue The Other Canterbury Talestrue- Galante (segment 'Il Sire di Brindisi') Desirable Teacher 2true- un passeggero sul treno Quando la coppia scoppiatrue- Carletto Sex Diarytrue- Carluccio - Marisa's Fiancé Fatal Fixtrue- First Client (uncredited) Per amore o per forzatrue Love Angelstrue- Immacolata's Client The Last Desperate Hourstrue- Agent Scalise Mark Shoots Firsttrue- Ragioniere di Ghini Meet Him and Dietrue- Jewelry Store Owner An Average Little Mantrue Bombertrue- Ciuffo di cuoio Stanza 17-17 palazzo delle tasse, ufficio impostetrue- antiquario Bread and Chocolatetrue- Rudiger Blood, Sweat and Feartrue- Giudice istruttore Canterbury proibitotrue- Pilgrim Fasthandtrue- Pracownik, Bank employee Buttiglione diventa capo del servizio segretotrue In the Name of the Italian Peopletrue- Lipparini - the registrar What Have They Done to Your Daughters?true- Doctor (uncredited) Alfredo, Alfredotrue- Mayor The Weapon, the Hour, the Motivetrue- Pisani - Giulia's Husband Creeping Deathtrue- Piano Player Dimmi che fai tutto per metrue- Caputo, il vice commissario Confessions of a Police Captaintrue Many Wars Ago...true- Military Doctor (uncredited) Destruction Forcetrue- rappresentante di gioelli His Name Was Holy Ghosttrue- Ubarte's Officer at Fort (uncredited) The Police Serve the Citizens?true Rome, the Other Face of Violencetrue- Gianni the Chauffeur (uncredited)