Kirsten Passer
Kirsten Passer
Top Movie Cast
Passer Babysitting Girlstrue- Bogsælger Life with Daddytrue- Frk. Mortensen Father of Four: In the Citytrue- Ludvigsen - lærerinde I første klasse I kongens klæ'rtrue- Restaurationsgæst i Nyhavn Vagabonderne paa Bakkegaardentrue- Inga Come to My Bedsidetrue- Tolk Me and My Kid Brothertrue Father of Four: The Whole Shebangtrue Father of Four: On Bornholmtrue Father of Four and the Wolf Cubstrue Father of Four: And Uncle Sofustrue The Girl and the Press Photographertrue Poeten og Lillemor i forårshumørtrue Taxa K-1640 efterlysestrue- Anden radiodame på Taxa The Song of the Red Rubytrue Bedside Highwaytrue- Anna Bedside Romancetrue- Emma Bedside Headtrue- Dr. Petersen Bedside Dentisttrue- Massageklinik indehaver Always Troubletrue- Edith The Greeneyed Elephanttrue- Mrs. Kelly Night Girlstrue- Barmedhjælper Dyden går amoktrue- Hotelgæst