Zbigniew Lesień
Zbigniew Lesień
Top Movie Cast
Pilot Pirx's Inquesttrue- John Calder The Curse of Snake Valleytrue- Noiret The Sun Rises Once a Daytrue- Man at the Meeting (uncredited) Milionertrue- kolega Józefa The Last Ferrytrue- SB Agent at a Port Who Believes in Storks?true- Roman (uncredited) Nie ma zmiłujtrue- kierownik sklepu osiedlowego Konsultrue- Attache Krzysztof Jankowski Żelazna obrożatrue- rysownik Artur The Scartrue- Sociologist Red Rowantrue- German Soldier (uncredited) How I Unleashed World War II, Part I: The Escapetrue- Prisoner (uncredited) Love on the Podiumtrue- Priest The Return of She-Wolftrue- Onufry Bal na dworcu w Koluszkachtrue- Railwayman Afera Mięsnatrue- Witold Jarosiński Legend of the White Horsetrue- Peter Top Movie Crew
Wesele w Kurnej ChacietrueDirecting
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