John Baxter
John Baxter
Top Movie Crew
Love on the DoletrueProduction
Crook's TourtrueDirecting
Crook's TourtrueProduction
Talking FeettrueDirecting
Let the People SingtrueWriting
Let the People SingtrueProduction
Here Comes the SuntrueDirecting
When You Come HometrueDirecting
The ShipbuilderstrueDirecting
Let the People SingtrueDirecting
Love on the DoletrueDirecting
Here Comes the SuntrueProduction
When You Come HometrueProduction
Ramsbottom Rides AgaintrueDirecting
Ramsbottom Rides AgaintrueProduction
Judgment DeferredtrueDirecting
Laugh It OfftrueDirecting
The Last LoadtrueDirecting
The Last LoadtrueProduction
Song of the PloughtrueDirecting
The Love MatchtrueProduction
Old Mother Riley DetectivetrueProduction
Nothing VenturetrueDirecting
Nothing VenturetrueProduction
Make Mine a MilliontrueProduction
The ShipbuilderstrueProduction
Theatre RoyaltrueProduction