Jonathan Coy
Jonathan Coy
Top Movie Cast
Licking Hitlertrue- Lotterby Alien Autopsytrue- Museum Director Hornblower: The Examination for Lieutenanttrue- Lieutenant Bracegirdle Hornblower: The Frogs and the Lobsterstrue- Lieutenant Bracegirdle Hornblower: The Duchess and the Deviltrue- Lieutenant Bracegirdle Longitudetrue- Adm. Sir Cloudsley Shovell Silas Marnertrue- Dunstan Cass I Came Bytrue- Headmaster National Theatre Live: The Hard Problemtrue- Leo Conspiracytrue- Erich Neumann Northanger Abbeytrue- John Thorpe Harold Shipman: Doctor Deathtrue- DCS Bernard Postles Hornblower: Dutytrue- Captain Bracegirdie The Old Curiosity Shoptrue- Rev. Pratchett The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nicklebytrue- Charles Cheeryble Great Expectationstrue- JUDGE MANSELL National Theatre Live: The Magistratetrue- Colonel Lukyn The Wolves of Willoughby Chasetrue- Lord Willoughby Much Ado About Nothingtrue- Leonato Mosleytrue- Harold Nicholson To Kill a Kingtrue- Digby 102 Boulevard Haussmanntrue- Odilon Starting Overtrue- Mr. David Sharp Plain Janetrue- Dr. Cosmo The Life and Death of King Johntrue- Lewis, the Dauphin Countdown to Wartrue- Butler The Falklands Playtrue- Richard Luce MP (Minister of State, Foreign Office) Downton Abbey: A New Eratrue- Murray Monster Makertrue- Teacher Hell's Pavementtrue- Charles Truman Profile Images
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