Inigo Gallo
Inigo Gallo
Top Movie Cast
The Swiss Conspiracytrue- Captain Hans Frey Strangler of the Towertrue- Pietro Broggini Broken Silencetrue- Peter Engler Die kleine Niederdorfopertrue- André Snow White and the Seven Jugglerstrue- Pedro William Telltrue- Frieshart Drei Männer Im Schneetrue- Johann My Frau - dr Cheftrue- Robert Mack Theo Against the Rest of the Worldtrue- Vater Ines The Devil May Well Laughtrue- Mario / Kellner Top Movie Crew
D' Muetter wott nur s' BeschttrueDirecting
Goodnight, Mrs Seeholzer!trueDirecting
Potz MillionetrueDirecting
Schwindelmeier & Co.trueDirecting