Rivers Cadet
Rivers Cadet
Top Movie Cast
Good Lucktrue- le greffier Les 28 jours de Clairettetrue All for Nothingtrue- Croquin Everything is Going Very Well Madame la Marquisetrue The Smart People of the 11thtrue- Pomme Monsieur Breloque a disparutrue La Présidentetrue- Biennassis Le plus beau gosse de Francetrue La Symphonie fantastiquetrue- Consumer (uncredited) Tricoche and Cacolettrue- Naphtaline Monsieur Hectortrue- Le maître d'hôtel (uncredited) Behind the Facadetrue- Agent (uncredited) Fric-Fractrue- Gégène, player-bait (uncredited) The Count of Monte Cristo Part 1 - The Prisoner of Kastelltrue- L'huissier The Musicians of the Skytrue- (uncredited) Coup de feu dans la nuittrue- Smuggler Secrets of a Ballerinatrue- The hotelier (uncredited) Adrientrue- The bartender (uncredited) Father Goriottrue- L'employé du museum (uncredited) Martin Roumagnactrue- Un joueur de belote Triple enquêtetrue- Le complice The Cupboard Was Baretrue- Boirot (uncredited) Mademoiselle Has Funtrue- Agent (uncredited) Les Dieux du dimanchetrue- A spectator of the match The Eleven O'Clock Womantrue Mademoiselle Josette, ma femmetrue- Monsieur Dutilleul Last Hour, Special Editiontrue Under the Paris Skytrue- Etienne Lambolle The Prettiest Sin in the Worldtrue- The mayor The Night Is My Kingdomtrue- Le père de Simone Le Passage de Vénustrue- Mr. Rabusset The Lottery of Happinesstrue Blood to the Headtrue- Le patron du Robinson Boom on Paristrue- Auguste, swiss waiter A Woman Like Satantrue- Bus passenger Les Duratontrue- M. Lucas, l'épicier de Chatelbourg Les gros brastrue- (uncredited) Children of Paradisetrue- Un bourgeois (uncredited) Four Flights to Lovetrue- Le vaguemestre (uncredited) Le roi Pandoretrue- Célestin The Ironmastertrue- Baron de Prefont The Path of Honortrue- Antoine The Open Roadtrue- Thomas Berlingot and Companytrue- Wrestler Notre-Dame de la Mouisetrue- Monsieur Eugène The Last One of the Sixtrue- Un inspecteur Adémaï at the border posttrue Louisetrue- Le chansonnier Good King Dagoberttrue- Un faux pélerin La Dame aux caméliastrue- Le marchand d'oublies Lovers of Paristrue- Notary (uncredited)