László Bánhidi
László Bánhidi
Top Movie Cast
Story of My Foolishnesstrue- Actor Csutak and the Grey Horsetrue The Pagan Madonnatrue- Matuska Do not Panic, Major Kardostrue- Matuska Love Travelling a Coachtrue- Ferenc Cseppentõ Off the Rangetrue- Ábris bácsi Suburban Legendtrue- Gondnok úr Summer Raintrue- Szappanos Smugglerstrue- Mikó Sándor (as Bánhidy László) The Soil Under Your Feettrue- András Szilasi Song of the Cornfieldstrue- Messzi Gyurka Liberated Landtrue- Szilassy The Prophet of the Fieldstrue Twenty Hourstrue- Sándor Varga aged The Secret of the Old Minetrue- Gasch Lipót No Love, Pleasetrue- Kõrhintás Bálint Fábián Meets Godtrue- Balla Károly The Upthrown Stonetrue- János bácsi The Music's the Thingtrue- Kocsmai lump A Fragrant Way to Pass Awaytrue- Pozsávai (as Bánhidy László) Iron Flowertrue- Józsi bácsi (as Bánhidy László) Fourteen Livestrue- Varjas Tóni Singing Makes Life Beautifultrue- Énekkari tag Who is in the Egg?true- Gerzson A Bird of Heaventrue- Atyus I'll Appeal to the Ministertrue- Parlag Antal Poor Johnny and Arnikatrue- Pásztor Tales of a Long Journeytrue- Zsiga Until the Day is Breakingtrue A csillagszeműtrue- Számadó juhász Dióbél királyfitrue- Öregbéres Tüzkeresztségtrue- carter János Szél Goose Boytrue- fair judge Springtime in Budapesttrue Keep Your Chin Up!true- Baka A Strange Mark of Identitytrue Pár lépés a határtrue- detective Kovács A Window on the Skytrue- Csabai Három csillagtrue- Bálint Tar