Vsevolod Shilovsky
Vsevolod Shilovsky
Top Movie Cast
Two Versions of the Same Collisiontrue The Prisoner of If Castletrue- Gaspar Cadrousse Шелковая кисточкаtrue- (voice) The Mechanic Gavrilov's Beloved Womantrue- Паша (фотограф, влюбленный в Риту) Intergirltrue- Николай Платонович Barkhanov and His Bodyguardtrue Once There Was a Womantrue- отец Еремей Выигрыш одинокого коммерсантаtrue Naval Cadets 1787. Wartrue Valentinatrue- Иннокентий Степанович Мечёткин, бухгалтер Love by Requesttrue- Kolya (as V. Shilovskiy) Investigator by Professiontrue Exceptions Without Rulestrue- nachalnik GlavKa (Isklyuchenie 3: «Golos») All the Things We Dreamt of for So Longtrue Let's Not Do Any Tricks!..true- Иван Петрович, предисполкома This Fantastic World 12true- Митчел The Village of Stepanchikovo and Its Inhabitantstrue- Павел Семенович Обноскин I Won't Let You Go Anywheretrue Song of Songstrue- Melamed The Humble Cemeterytrue- Gennadi Nosenko Tycoon's Interpretertrue- Polesov The Voicetrue- Cinematographer Kolchuzhnikov This is Us, God!..true- Генерал-майор Переверзев Death Linetrue- талантливый стеклодув-киллер Никольский Сергей Сергеевич Swindlerstrue- «Маруся» / Сидор Поликарпович Игра в любовьtrue- Mikhail Birthday Nighttrue- Narrator (voice) With No Expiration Datetrue- Зевс Иванович Скачков, контрабандист You're Happy, Zhenka!true Naval Cadets 1787. Peacetrue- ambassador A Case from Investigative Practicetrue- Yakov Grigoryevich Fomich - nachalnik otdela snabzheniya Portrait of the Artist's Wifetrue- Mitrofanych Love and Saxtrue- Important Gentleman Widower's Housestrue- Ликчиз Correction of Mistakestrue Top Movie Crew
The Codex of DisgracetrueDirecting
Wandering StarstrueDirecting
A Million in a Wedding BaskettrueDirecting
Избранник судьбыtrueWriting
Избранник судьбыtrueDirecting
A Million in a Wedding BaskettrueWriting
День за днемtrueDirecting
Not all the Cats are GraytrueDirecting
Sweet Bird of YouthtrueDirecting