Léon Pauléon
Léon Pauléon
Top Movie Cast
The Battle of the Railstrue- Chef de gare St-André The Battle of the Railstrue The Village of Wrathtrue- Brother Archangias Silence Is Goldentrue- Le gros danseur (uncredited) Le diamant de cent soustrue- Guest Les femmes sont follestrue- Duval (uncredited) My Aunt from Honfleurtrue- Livarot Kindergartentrue- Le père de Jacques (uncredited) Thus Finishes the Nighttrue- A traveler Lawless Streettrue- Agent (uncredited) Ils ont vingt anstrue- The fat actor Alone in Paristrue- L'homme du métro Cherished by her conciergetrue The Happy Roadtrue- Father of big man in 4cv Et moi j'te dis qu'elle t'a fait d'l'oeil!true- The accused's husband Maximetrue- The Bourgeois of Nice (uncredited) The Earrings of Madame de...true- Un huissier (uncredited)