Henri Coutet
Henri Coutet
Top Movie Cast
Max and the Junkmentrue- Inspector (uncredited) Trapezetrue- Circus Electrician (uncredited) Air of Paristrue- Strong Man (uncredited) Carom Shotstrue- (uncredited) Et ta sœur...true- L'employé E.D.F Vautrin the Thieftrue- (uncredited) Secrets of a Ballerinatrue- Casimir / Xavier Father Goriottrue- Christophe Le Capitan (1ère époque) Flamberge au venttrue A Cage of Nightingalestrue L'ange qu'on m'a donnétrue Emile the Africantrue- The actor No More Vacation for the Good Lordtrue- Uncle Alfred Action Mantrue- Security guard Fantomas Against Fantomastrue- Le comptable (uncredited) The Treasure of Cantenactrue- Elisée Fort De La Solitudetrue- Cassagneau Justice Is Donetrue- Albert Blavette, substitute juror (uncredited) The Sinnerstrue- Garrat, trucker Without Leaving an Addresstrue- Alfred, un typographe-linotypiste du journal Andalusiatrue- Captain (uncredited) Under the Paris Skytrue- Union delegate Judgement of Godtrue- Herman - un adjoint de M. Bernauer (uncredited) The Drunkardtrue- A man (uncredited) Les Dents longuestrue- Un journaliste (uncredited) Lettre ouvertetrue- A tenant (uncredited) Fatal Affairtrue- (uncredited) Don't Tempt the Deviltrue- Security guard (uncredited) The Mysteries of Paristrue- The new renter Love and Deathtrue- Minskov Les Duratontrue- Le gendarme de service dans la salle d'audience Les Misérablestrue- Un charretier La joyeuse prisontrue- Gustave Le Tombeur !!!true- Funeral home employee (uncredited) Madame et son autotrue- Etanche A Dog, A Mouse and a Sputniktrue- Villager The Green Maretrue- Cemetery employee (uncredited) You Have Nothing to Declare?true- (uncredited) Princess of Clevestrue- (uncredited) Operation Diplomatic Passporttrue L'Homme aux clés d'ortrue- (uncredited) The Adventures of Zadigtrue Chinese Glorytrue- Shepherd Diaboliquetrue- Employee of the Morgue (uncredited) The Fighting Cocktrue- Railway worker Sunday Encountertrue- un serveur au restaurant Famous Love Affairstrue- l'homme rasé Hardboiled Egg Timetrue- L'agent disant : « Posez-les là » Tuesday's Guesttrue- Pierrot When a Woman Meddlestrue- Georges, machinist (uncredited) Pantalaskastrue- Henri (uncredited) Neither Seen Nor Recognizedtrue- Un détenu The Night of the Generalstrue- Waiter in Café (uncredited) The Baron of the Lockstrue- Peasant (uncredited) Maigret and the St. Fiacre Casetrue- Grocery Store Customer (uncredited) This Special Friendshiptrue- The employee of the institution The Fugitivestrue- (uncredited) Papa, Mama, the Maid and Itrue- (uncredited) Vincent, Francois, Paul and the Otherstrue- Henri Cesar and Rosalietrue- Mr. Fantin Cherchez l'idoletrue- Hearing officer Sans familletrue- A Peasant (uncredited) The Gardener of Argenteuiltrue- Un consommateur Papa, Mama, My Wife and Metrue- Un homme qui amène le panneau de vente (uncredited) El sueño de Andalucíatrue- Le capitaine (uncredited) The Case of Dr. Laurenttrue- Le chauffeur du car (uncredited) The Adventures of Salavintrue Mata Hari, Agent H21true- Soldier (uncredited) Captain Bloodtrue- Lackey of Gisèle (uncredited) Lovers of Paristrue- Worker in the yard (uncredited)