Yvonne Yma
Yvonne Yma
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Student’s Hoteltrue- Mrs. Sabatier Métropolitaintrue- Mrs. Valreau The Barber of Sevilletrue- Marcelline Les Époux scandaleuxtrue- Duenna Moïse et Salomon parfumeurstrue Train de plaisirtrue- Telegraphist The Little Lady of the Sleeping Cartrue Bach the Detectivetrue- Madame Estrade Trois artilleurs au pensionnattrue- Noémie The Marriage of Chiffontrue- Cook Sins of Youthtrue- The fat spectator (uncredited) Cavalcade of Lovetrue- Dowager Marchioness (uncredited) Nine Bachelorstrue- Housewife Face au destintrue- The concierge The Musicians of the Skytrue- (uncredited) Bach en correctionnelletrue- Madamoiselle Olympe Special Missiontrue- (uncredited) Le Capitan (1ère époque) Flamberge au venttrue Hi-Jack Highwaytrue- Une villageoise commère (uncredited) Queen's Necklacetrue- Hubert's Wife (uncredited) Back Streets of Paristrue Silence Is Goldentrue- La concierge (uncredited) Amédéetrue- Une invitée (uncredited) Marie of the Porttrue- Neighbor Miquettetrue- Une commère (uncredited) No More Vacation for the Good Lordtrue A Coptrue- Une commère (uncredited) By the Windowtrue- Cleaning lady (uncredited) The Rear-Wheel Drive Gangtrue- A nurse Rendezvous in Julytrue- Madame Bonnard Lost Souvenirstrue- Gossip (uncredited) Mayatrue- La marchande de fleurs (uncredited) The Merry Pilgrimstrue- Gossip (uncredited) Andalusiatrue- Dresser (uncredited) The Seven Deadly Sinstrue- A guest (segment "Lust") (uncredited) Back Streets of Paristrue- une femme de détenu Three Womentrue- The cousin Les Mémoires de la vache Yolandetrue The Prettiest Sin in the Worldtrue- A guest (uncredited) Holiday for Henriettatrue- The Lady with the necklace (uncredited) The Lottery of Happinesstrue The Last Turningtrue- La femme Girls in Distresstrue- L'habilleuse de Pola Scandals of Clochemerletrue- (uncredited) The Moment of Truthtrue- La femme du malade El sueño de Andalucíatrue- L'habilleuse (uncredited) Fernandel the Dressmakertrue- Mannequin Mina de Vangheltrue- Mrs. de Vanghel Profile Images
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