Jørgen Weel
Jørgen Weel
Top Movie Cast
Don Olsen kommer til byentrue- Postbud, Østergaard Den sidste vintertrue- Niels Jacobsen Det gamle guldtrue- Anton The Face of Truthtrue- Dansende gæst Still Dust on the Braintrue Jul i Skovridergaardentrue- Postbud The Olsen Gang Runs Amoktrue- Policeman (uncredited) Me and My Kid Brother and Doggietrue The Olsen Gang Jumps the Fencetrue- Bartender (uncredited) Me and My Kid Brothertrue Me and My Kid Brother and the Smugglerstrue Tag til marked i Fjordbytrue The Song of the Red Rubytrue Vi som går stjernevejentrue Frihed forpligtertrue- Ung socialdemokrat