Peter Alvarado
Peter Alvarado
Top Movie Cast
That's All Folks! Tales from Termite Terracetrue- Himself (archive footage) Behind the Tunes: Leon Schlesinger - The Merrie Cartoon Mogultrue- Himself (Archive Footage) Behind the Tunes: Blanc Expressionstrue- Himself Top Movie Crew
8 Ball BunnytrueDirecting
Fast and Furry-oustrueArt
Kiddin' the KittentrueDirecting
A Flintstones Christmas CaroltrueVisual Effects
The Prize PesttrueVisual Effects
For Scent-imental ReasonstrueArt
The Nine Lives of Fritz the CattrueDirecting
House Hunting MicetrueArt
Daffy Duck's Thanks-for-Giving SpecialtrueArt