Danko Ljuština
Danko Ljuština
Top Movie Cast
The Ballads of Petrica Kerempuhtrue Return of Katarina Kozultrue The Horsemantrue- Džafer-beg Long Dark Nighttrue- Lujo Sleep Sweet, My Darlingtrue- Djed Ladović That's the Way the Cookie Crumblestrue- Đuro The Brave Adventures of a Little Shoemakertrue- Gospodar vrtuljka Turopolje Cannontrue- Plemeniti Miškec Bedeniković Small Train Robberytrue- Milindža Go, Yellowtrue- Torbarina The Cashier Wants to Go to the Seasidetrue- Đurđin muž The Man Under the Tabletrue- Žuga First Class Thievestrue- Divlji kapitalista The Lika Cinematrue- Miketov otac Zagreb Storiestrue- Pekar (segment "Kanal") God Forbid a Worse Thing Should Happentrue- Profesor kemije Is It Clear, My Friend?true- Debeli Carnival, Angel and Dusttrue- Magistar Budikovac (segment "Karneval") Blanka Kolak's Lovetrue- Minister In the Midst of My Daystrue- Pijanac Resting Roomtrue- Putnik u autobusu