Hubert Noël
Hubert Noël
Top Movie Cast
The Season for Lovetrue- Hubert Devils of Darknesstrue- Count Sinistre aka Armond du Moliere The Hunchback of Paristrue- Philippe de Nevers The Three Musketeerstrue- Aramis Dear Carolinetrue- Un ami de Gaston Forbidden to the Publictrue- Bernard Amazing Monsieur Fabretrue- Le fiancé d'Antonia The Devil and the Ten Commandmentstrue- L'amant de Clarisse Don't Tempt the Deviltrue- Catherine Dupré's lover The Hostage Towertrue- Ducret's Aide Stresstrue- Injured customer Nathalietrue- Serge Lambert Madame Sans-Gênetrue- Neipperg A Trap for Cinderellatrue- François La Traversée de Paristrue- Arrested gigolo (uncredited) Katiatrue- Michel Dolgorouki The Enemy Generaltrue- Claude The Secret of Helene Marimontrue The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lanetrue- Bank Clerk That Nighttrue- Gérald Martin L'homme de l'Interpoltrue Husband for Saletrue- Norbert Besson Madame Claude 2true- Gérald American Dreamertrue- Doctor at Nightclub Famous Love Affairstrue- Eric Blood on His Swordtrue- Récitant / Narrator (uncredited) The Earrings of Madame de...true- Henri de Maleville If Paris Were Told to Ustrue- Un Passant Triple Crosstrue- Von Runstedt's Aide de Camp Les Misérablestrue- Lafayette Profile Images
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