Konstantin Adashevsky
Konstantin Adashevsky
Top Movie Cast
The Twelve Monthstrue- Chief of Royal Guards The Chief of Chukotkatrue- merchant Bruchanov The Boys from Leningradtrue- Factory director Bracelet-2true- commentator at the hippodrome All the Evidence is Against Himtrue- Dmitriy Mikhaylovich, glavbukh sovkhoza Dead Soulstrue- губернатор Fortune's Fooltrue- Флегонт Александрыч Тропачев Царевич Прошаtrue- водяной палач Man in a Shelltrue- священник Let the Fireweed Bloom!..true Musicians of the Same Regimenttrue Fear of Misery - No Happinesstrue The Gadflytrue- Austrian Cardinal The Living Corpsetrue- Afremov I'm an Actresstrue- Stanislavsky The Girl from Leningradtrue- army doctor Two Captainstrue- professor The Cutlasstrue- philatelist The Girlfriendstrue- bailiff (uncredited) Street Is Full of Surprisestrue- doorman in the restaurant Road of Truthtrue- Nikolay Rybakov Angle of Incidencetrue- Artur Zavadskiy Хозяинtrue- Thief Pavel Vikulov Nikolay Simonov's Worldtrue Василий Докучаевtrue- (uncredited) Green Signalstrue- Voronov, clock master