Michael Palm
Michael Palm
Top Movie Cast
Pale Bloodtrue- Lead Singer in Band Top Movie Crew
Silent ResidenttrueEditing
Edgar G. Ulmer: The Man Off-ScreentrueEditing
Edgar G. Ulmer: The Man Off-ScreentrueDirecting
Edgar G. Ulmer: The Man Off-ScreentrueWriting
When It Blinds, Open Your EyestrueEditing
I Am from NowheretrueEditing
The Devil's BathtrueEditing
Henry Fonda for PresidenttrueEditing
Henry Fonda for PresidenttrueCrew
Cinema FuturestrueDirecting
Matter Out of PlacetrueEditing
Was uns bindettrueEditing
Calling Hedy LamarrtrueEditing
Cinema FuturestrueWriting
Cinema FuturestrueEditing
Goodnight MommytrueEditing
The Children of the DeadtrueEditing
Beyond the WoodstrueEditing
Moments of ResistancetrueEditing
Moments of ResistancetrueSound
Moments of ResistancetrueSound
Elektro MoskvatrueEditing
The Mozart MinutetrueDirecting
Sisi auf Schloß GödöllötrueEditing
Sisi auf Schloß GödöllötrueSound
Sea Concrete Human — Malfunctions #1trueDirecting