Alessandro Perrella
Alessandro Perrella
Top Movie Cast
Cinderella and the Princess and the Peatrue Seven Deaths in the Cat's Eyestrue- Policeman Adios Compañerostrue- Townsman My Name Is Mallory... M Means Deathtrue- Uomo del killer The Killer Is on the Phonetrue- Psychiatrist Four Pistols for Trinitytrue Valerie Inside Outsidetrue The Last Traitortrue- One of the Ross Brothers Basta con la guerra... facciamo l'amoretrue The Hand That Feeds the Deadtrue- Feodor My Dear Nephewstrue- Assistente di Pacini Il brigadiere Pasquale Zagaria ama la mamma e la poliziatrue The Angels with Bound Handstrue We Are All in Temporary Libertytrue Poppea: A Prostitute in Service of the Emperortrue Ingrid on the Roadtrue- Journalist The Art of Lovetrue- Kamen's Friend My Pleasure Is Your Pleasuretrue Madeline, Study of a Nightmaretrue The Sicilian Checkmatetrue- Savoca The French Sex Murderstrue- Doris' lover Death Walks at Midnighttrue- Van driver Tales of Eroticatrue- Friar from Sicily (segment "The Miracle") Paid in Bloodtrue- Agent for Greenwaters Valley Co. You're Jinxed, Friend, You've Met Sacramentotrue Hot Nights of the Decamerontrue- Musician God Is My Colttrue- Company Spokesman Le amorose notti di Alì Babàtrue Tears of Lovetrue- Young policeman in London I Don't See, You Don't Speak, He Doesn't Heartrue- Police Officer on the Train The Flower with Petals of Steeltrue- First young surgeon Orders Signed in Whitetrue Cagliostrotrue- Mendacious cripple Colt in the Hand of the Deviltrue The Executioner of Godtrue Paolo il freddotrue- Waiter Helen, Yes... Helen of Troytrue Meo Pataccatrue- portanotizie dei turchi a Vienna Super Stooges vs the Wonder Womentrue Top Movie Crew
Rebecca: The Contemptuous LovertrueDirecting
Rebecca: The Contemptuous LovertrueWriting
Wild AttractiontrueWriting
Wild AttractiontrueDirecting
Private Love AffairtrueDirecting
Telephone MurdertrueEditing
Hell's FevertrueDirecting
Ingrid on the RoadtrueDirecting
Private Love AffairtrueWriting
The Last VamptrueDirecting
Hell's FevertrueProduction
La Madone des slips ''in''trueDirecting
Valentina ValentinatrueDirecting
Erotic RondotrueDirecting
Piero Della Francesca, La Madonna del Parto e La Leggenda della Vera CrocetrueDirecting
Intimate RelationstrueDirecting
Fous de LindatrueDirecting
Illicit IntimacytrueDirecting
Illicit IntimacytrueWriting
Illicit IntimacytrueEditing
Private Love AffairtrueEditing
Selen the Perfect LovertrueDirecting
Selen the Perfect LovertrueWriting
La cognatinatrueDirecting
Music's LessonstrueDirecting
Selen superporcatrueDirecting
Selen superporcatrueWriting
Parting ShotstrueDirecting
Dolly - Il sesso biondotrueProduction
Dolly - Il sesso biondotrueWriting
Betty Bleu 2trueDirecting