Harold Bergman
Harold Bergman
Top Movie Cast
Double Troubletrue- Double Agency Director Harry & Sontrue- Night Watchman Somebody Has to Shoot the Picturetrue- Judge Landis A Night in Heaventrue- Mr. Sladkis Nobody's Perfekttrue- Captain Radioland Murderstrue- Affiliate Freddie of the Jungletrue- Barney Staying Afloattrue- Arthur Nelson The Ordeal of Dr. Muddtrue- Undersecretary The Whoopee Boystrue- Adm. Storey Miami Supercopstrue- Reisner The Final Countdowntrue- Bellman Thieves and Robberstrue- Priest Go for Ittrue- Sam (uncredited) Whoops Apocalypsetrue- Desk Clerk Cocoon: The Returntrue- Dr. Erwin The Heavenly Kidtrue- Mr. Finley