John Boylan
John Boylan
Top Movie Cast
Lethal Vowstrue- Joe Betullo Clearcuttrue- Bud's Lawyer Cow Bellestrue- Driving Examiner Land of the Losttrue- Enik WitchSlayer Gretltrue- Lara's Dad Rabidtrue- Young Cop in Plaza Code Breakerstrue- (uncredited) The Story of Luketrue- Mr. Harrison Pet Sematary: Bloodlinestrue- Reverend Havering Escape Clausetrue- Pathologist Canada Vignettes: December Lightstrue- Narrator Harold & Kumar Go to White Castletrue- Officer Brucks The Long Island Incidenttrue- Frank McBride To Catch a Killertrue- Atkins Campton Manortrue- Douglas Undue Influencetrue- Postal Worker Keeping Tracktrue- Double Agent Kleelyov Before You Say 'I Do'true- Mr. Johnson The Limittrue- Detective Lavery Alien Thundertrue- Cpl. Harold Bellringer King Solomon's Treasuretrue The Perfect Sontrue- Minister The Tin Flutetrue- (uncredited) Blood Relativestrue- Policeman Les Tisserands du pouvoirtrue- Police Sergeant Les Tisserands du pouvoir 2, la révoltetrue On the 2nd Day of Christmastrue- Man in Overcoat Profile Images
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