Valentina Ushakova
Valentina Ushakova
Top Movie Cast
No Margin for Errortrue- Марья Васильевна, судебный заседатель The Rescuertrue- мать Григория Ганина The Boys from Leningradtrue- Kartashova The Trialtrue- Ostrovskaya-Runich It Can Not Be Forgottentrue- Galina Roads and Destiniestrue- Люся Гармаш Alyosha Ptitsyn Develops Charactertrue Street of the Youngest Sontrue You're Happy, Zhenka!true Fatherstrue- female relative Time of Desirestrue- Elderly Apartment's Owner It Can't Be!true- Sofya's Neighbor Facts of the Past Daytrue- Gavrilova No Returntrue- teacher (uncredited) The Cat in the Bagtrue- collective farmer Moscow Does Not Believe in Tearstrue- Anna Nikitichna, Nikolay's Mother Different Fortunestrue- Vera Zubova Young Peopletrue- Ivan's wife Fun for Old Peopletrue- Olga Sergeyevna Пущик едет в Прагуtrue- Mother მწვერვალთა დამპყრობნიtrue Profile Images
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