Fyodor Nikitin
Fyodor Nikitin
Top Movie Cast
Mussorgskytrue- Alexander Dargomyzhky Little Friendtrue- Fedor Mikhailovich, teacher of literature Come Here, Mukhtar!true- Doctor (as F. Nikitin) A Sweet Womantrue- Shubkin, Larik's father The Visitor of Stonetrue- Pervyy gost (as F. Nikitin) And Life, and Tears and Lovetrue- Krupenin Academician Ivan Pavlovtrue- Gleb Mikhailovich Zvantsev The Barrier of Uncertaintytrue The Red Villagetrue- Trofim Ivanovich, miller Song of Happinesstrue- Grigoriy Nikolayevich Fastorskiy Almanzor's Ringstrue- Almanzor Fragment of an Empiretrue- Filimonov A Mother's Hearttrue- Neklyudov The Lonely White Sailtrue A Winter Morningtrue- профессор, в титрах не указан Secret, for All the World Onlytrue- Kol A Long Path on a Short Daytrue- Thomas Our Callingtrue- учитель математики One of Ustrue- Franz Rediger Katka's Reinette Applestrue They Live Nearbytrue- Professor Kalitin Atonement for Others' Sinstrue Princess Marytrue- knyaz' Ligovskoy - muzh Very Собирающий облакаtrue- продавец в киоске Жизнь после жизниtrue- self Улица Ньютона, дом 1true- Father Days of the Turbinstrue- Максим, сторож Александровской гимназии Profile Images
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