Elza Lezhdey
Elza Lezhdey
Top Movie Cast
Listen, on the other sidetrue- Kapitan Osipenko Death At the Take Offtrue Ballad of a Soldiertrue- Liza, the Invalid's Wife Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gainedtrue An Extraordinary Assignmenttrue- Actress The Hockey Playerstrue- Mayya Pavel Korchagintrue- Rita Ustynovich Быть братомtrue- Olga Andreevna Every day of Dr. Kalinnikovatrue- Blagikh Responsible for Everythingtrue Attack and Retreattrue- guerrilla woman (uncredited) The Frigid Seatrue- Варвара Особое мнениеtrue- Ожогина Goodbye, Boys!true- женщина на пляже На край света...true- мать Володи Six O'Clock at the Airporttrue- stewardess Шли солдатыtrue- Olga Kartseva - medsestra The Squadron Turns Westwardtrue- Jeanne Labourbe Profile Images
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