Vladimir Osenev
Vladimir Osenev
Top Movie Cast
Winnie-the-Poohtrue- Narrator (voice) Winnie-the-Pooh Goes Visitingtrue- Narrator (voice) Winnie-the-Pooh and a Busy Daytrue- Narrator (voice) Agony: The Life and Death of Rasputintrue- Sturmer The Seventh Companiontrue- Priklonski The Millionairesstrue- Sagamore Under the Chestnut Trees of Praguetrue- Ян Грубек The Man with the Guntrue- Константин Сергеевич Keys to Paradisetrue- Pavel Nasonov Light at the End of the Tunneltrue- Pavel Siminovich Land, Poste Restantetrue- agent of criminal police Diamonds for the Dictatorship of the Proletariattrue- Stopansky Much Ado About Nothingtrue Man Without a Passporttrue- Фёдор Катько Enough Stupidity in Every Wise Mantrue- Golutvin Subject for a Short Storytrue- Kurbatov Мещанин во дворянствеtrue- Doriante Much Ado About Nothingtrue- Борахио The Brothers Karamazovtrue- судья Miracles in the Sievetrue- (voice) About the Gnome Which Left the Hometrue- Narrator (voice)