Amza Pellea
Amza Pellea
Top Movie Cast
Michael the Bravetrue- Mihai Viteazul William the Conquerortrue The Immortalstrue- Dumitru Uncle Marin, the Billionairetrue- Nea Mărin / Mr. Juvett The Last Bullettrue- fratele lui Semaca A Police Inspector Callstrue- Ion Pîrvu Ecaterina Teodoroiutrue- Gral. Dragalina Then I Sentenced Them All to Deathtrue- Ipu The Columntrue- regele dac Decebal The Light on the Gallowstrue- Debuisson The Thing in the Castletrue- Wenzel Mercenaries' Traptrue- Frank Golden Moments - Amza Pelleatrue The Punishmenttrue- țăranul Manolache Preda Accidenttrue- Colonel de Militie Michael, the Dog That Sangtrue Sfântul Mitică Blajinultrue- Ion Cristea Gently Was Anastasia Passingtrue- Costaiche The House Between the Fieldstrue- Vasile Axente The Uprisingtrue- Comandantul trupelor Stejar, extremă urgențătrue- Toma Babusca's Adventurestrue- One-eye Sunday Fathertrue- inginerul automecanic Mircea Danu The Blue Gates of the Citytrue- Col. Cristescu Melodii, melodiitrue- Nea Marin Ciprian Porumbescutrue- profesorul Carol Miculi Ulzanatrue- General Crook The Soimaresti Clantrue- Simion Bârnovă The Thirsttrue- Adam Adam Alarm in the Mountainstrue The Romanian Musketeertrue- The Sultan Ahmed For Motherlandtrue- General Alexandru Cernat The War of the Princessestrue- Ștefan The Power and The Truthtrue- Petre Petrescu "Concordia" Teamtrue- Gl. Matei The Impossible Lovetrue- Dan Shootings Under the Moonlighttrue- Badea Aron Three Days and Three Nightstrue- Grigorescu Arms of Afroditetrue- Marin Captain's Ion Arrowtrue- Ali Beg Ana and the Thieftrue- Crijan Cantemirtrue- Sultanul Ahmed Top Movie Crew
Uncle Marin, the BillionairetrueWriting
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