Raymond Lui
Raymond Lui
Top Movie Cast
The Crane Fightertrue- Blue Fan Shaolin Invincible Guystrue The Marvelous Kung Futrue The Brutal Boxertrue- Hsiao Cheng The Honey-Moon Killertrue The Crimson Charmtrue- Tsao Kang's son Top Movie Crew
The Fatal Flying GuillotinestrueDirecting
The Fatal Flying GuillotinestrueWriting
Shaolin Invincible GuystrueDirecting
Shaolin Invincible GuystrueWriting
Strife for MasterytrueDirecting
The Crane FightertrueCrew
The Crane FightertrueProduction
The Crane FightertrueCrew
The Marvelous Kung FutrueDirecting
The Marvelous Kung FutrueCrew
Underground JudgementtrueDirecting
Underground JudgementtrueWriting
Underground JudgementtrueProduction
The Crane FightertrueDirecting
The Tiger JumptrueDirecting
The Bloody MissiontrueDirecting