Torauemon Utazawa
Torauemon Utazawa
Top Movie Cast
Tetsuo II: Body Hammertrue- Mad Scientist Hoodlum Soldier: Looting and Pillagingtrue Coed Report: Blooming Yukotrue- Shûhei Narimiya(成宮修平) The Human Condition III: A Soldier's Prayertrue- Fukumoto Jôtôhei The Fox With Nine Tailstrue- Chinzei(voice) Call Girl: Lust Cagetrue- Akiyoshi Kikuchi Death of a Tea Mastertrue House of Himikotrue- Ruby Affair at Twilighttrue- Kitazawa(北沢) A Chain of Islandstrue- Hattori The Gentle Japanesetrue- Pharmacist Secret Agreement: Ministry of Foreign Affairs Secret Leak Incidenttrue