Amina Rizk
Amina Rizk
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Om Hashim's Lamptrue- Adila - Umm Ismail Who's Done it ?true- Fayeqa Hanem Orphans' moneytrue- Umm Zahira سأكتب اسمك على الرمالtrue Every house has a mantrue- امينة هانم / الأم Letter from an Unknown Womantrue- Amal's aunt Kit Kattrue- Sheikh Hosny's mother Tears Without Sinstrue- توحيدة Message To Godtrue- Amina, Hussein's wife Face to Facetrue- the mom A Widow with Three Daughterstrue- زينب Stillness of the Stormtrue A Long Term Plantrue- Awad's mother The Bread Sellertrue- Khadija Suleiman Awad / Hamida A Voice From The Pasttrue- The mother Ladies' Thresholdtrue- ام عاصم الخرابشه Berlantytrue- Samiha Hanem Kollohom Awladytrue- Um Amin The Shametrue- أصيلة أم الأولاد The Beginning and the Endtrue- The Mother Love and the Death Penaltytrue- ام سميره His Sisterstrue- Auntie العمة A woman's hearttrue- خيرية A man between two womentrue- Amaal Storm over the countrysidetrue Children of the poortrue- Hosnia Ahmed Abdel Samie - sister of Dr. Lamei Albi Ala Walditrue- Ratiba The Straight Roadtrue- أمينة زوجة يوسف The Mamlukstrue- Um Ahmad Shafiqa Al-Qibtiyatrue- Shafiqa's mother Layla in the darktrue- ام ليلى The River of Lovetrue- Fatima Hanem The Berry and the Canetrue- Halima Sons of Aristocratstrue- Zainab Hanem - The Egyptian Wife Blood on the Niletrue- Umm Awad Al Makhtufatrue- mother of Hussein I Want a Solutiontrue- Hayat Mothers in Exiletrue- Safia - mother The Nightingale's Prayertrue- زهرة The Knight & The Princesstrue Where Did My Life Go?true- ساميه هانم والدة علية A Storm of Lovetrue- Mother Clash of the Grandchildrentrue Les Miserablestrue- Doriya Lobstertrue- Zahira Hanem Hekayet Gawaztrue- Karima كريمة أم محمد Soad The Gypsytrue- Mokhtar's fiancée Women Who Loved Cinematrue- Self Dearest Belovedtrue- امينة ، الأم Shayateen El Leyltrue- Umm Salah and Atwa Four Girls and an Officertrue- Amina Hanem Esh Hado Ya Nastrue- Hosnia Bamba Kashertrue- Sharifa It Is Really A Respectable Familytrue The Criminaltrue- Um Zaghloul The Water-Carrier Is Deadtrue- Umm Amna Money and Womentrue- الزوجة Humans and Jinntrue- تفيدة - أم فاطمة The Black Candlestrue- Aisha - mother of Ahmed Asim Mawa'ed Ma' Almadytrue- Amina El Ragol El Thaalabtrue- الام امينة Shaweesh Noss El-leiltrue