Hiroshi Hatano
Hiroshi Hatano
Top Movie Cast
Cases of An Actor in Disguise: Bloodskull Mansiontrue Golgo 13: Assignment Kowloontrue Message from Space: Galactic Wars The Movietrue Echo in the Mountainstrue Girl Boss: Escape From Reform Schooltrue- Ministry of Justice Official B Eighteen Years in Prisontrue Yoka chigo zakura Make no wakamushatrue Travels of Lord Mito Pt.4true River Washes Away the Moontrue Chikamatsu's Love in Osakatrue Miyamoto Musashi: Birth of Two Sword Styletrue Street of Wandering Mentrue The Rapacious Jailbreakertrue Yagyu Chronicles 9: Assassin's Swordtrue A Savage Beast Goes Madtrue Kagemaru of the Iga Clantrue- Handayu Doberman Coptrue- Masaharu Suga Battles Without Honor and Humanitytrue- Policeman Battles Without Honor and Humanity: Deadly Fight in Hiroshimatrue Red Peony Gambler: Flower Cards Gametrue Red Peony Gambler: Oryu's Returntrue Miyamoto Musashi: The Duel at Ichijo Templetrue Decapitation of an Evil Womantrue Terrifying Girls' High School: Lynch Law Classroomtrue The General and His Empire of Joytrue- Saotome The Flower and the Dragontrue The Cross of Vengeancetrue The Decisive Power of Aikidotrue Hanjiro of Kusama: Bird of Passagetrue Cruel Story of the Shogunate's Downfalltrue Happily Tied to the Roadtrue- Isaburo Female Yakuza Taletrue- Hospital Guard A Battles Without Honor and Humanity: Final Episodetrue- Investigator Vampire Dead Beauty Carvingtrue Inside a Girl's Dormitorytrue