Åke Claesson
Åke Claesson
Top Movie Cast
Hon trodde det var hantrue- bokförläggaren Take Care of Ullatrue- Dr. Hjalmar Brander (uncredited) Evatrue- Erik Fredriksson Music in Darknesstrue- Augustin Schröder Gabrielletrue- Malmrot, embassador Do You Believe in Angels?true- Torsten Waller Familjen Björcktrue- Karl (uncredited) Flames in the Darktrue- Dr Lundvall Life Goes Ontrue- Librarian (uncredited) Karin Månsdottertrue- Svante Sture General von Döbelntrue- Priest Marie in the Windmilltrue- Judge En sjöman i fracktrue- Ship's captain A Crimetrue- Dr. Forenius You Who Are About to Entertrue- Consultant Karling Flickor i hamntrue- Chairman Iris and the Lieutenanttrue- Oscar Motander My Passionate Longingtrue Man glömmer ingentingtrue- Professor Torin (uncredited) The Serious Gametrue- Roslin Two Kingstrue- Carl Michael Bellman Sol över Klaratrue- Carl Michael Bellman The Heavenly Playtrue- Jeremiah Young Bloodtrue- Lars-Erik Hermansson Mariatrue- Gus Pettersson Ödemarksprästentrue- Carl von Linné Helen of Troytrue- Marcellus Hans majestäts rivaltrue- Carl Michael Bellman Hotell Kåkbrinkentrue- Pontus Hallman Herre med portföljtrue- Recording Clerk Solkattentrue- Jörgen Bure Ulla, My Ullatrue- Carl Michael Bellman Ung och kärtrue- Foreign Affairs Advisor Ungdom i bojortrue- Senior Lecturer Jag är eld och lufttrue- Vicar Ahrman, Jenny's Father Fallet Ingegerd Bremssentrue- Prosecutor Seger i mörkertrue- Professor Wijkander Appassionatatrue- Prison Director Nils Holmqvist