Nikolai Plotnikov
Nikolai Plotnikov
Top Movie Cast
Generation of Victorstrue- Stepan Klimov Your Contemporarytrue- Professor Nitochkyn Nine Days of One Yeartrue- Professor Sintsov It Can Not Be Forgottentrue- Yarchuk My Apprenticeshiptrue- Zhikaryov, icon painter Academician Ivan Pavlovtrue- Nikodin Vasilyevich My Universitiestrue- Nikiforytch The Paris Communetrue- General Dombrovsky Lenin in 1918true- Kulak from Tamborsk The Vowtrue- Uncle Vanya Yermilov The Fall of Berlintrue- General Brauchitsch Enough Stupidity in Every Wise Mantrue- Krutitsky The Lonely White Sailtrue Paths of Enemiestrue- Larya Interview with Springtrue