Shigeo Kobayashi
Shigeo Kobayashi
Top Movie Cast
Flower & Snaketrue- Yoshizawa Deadly Outlaw: Rekkatrue- Hiroshi Fujiwara Railroad Mantrue- Motorman The Flowers of Wartrue- Lt. Kato Black Angel 2true- Mitsuru Tohyo The Life and Love of Kenji Miyazawatrue- Kanai Hosaka True Record of an Ando Gang Side-Story: Starving Wolf's Rulestrue Ballet in the Flames of Wartrue- 鸠山幸之助 Graveyard of Honortrue- Isa On Wings of Eaglestrue- Yoshinori Yumoto Gokudô seisen: Jihaadotrue Gokudô seisen: Jihaado IItrue Gokudô seisen: Jihaado IIItrue Where the Wind Blowstrue- Tokai-san