Christopher Robin Miller
Christopher Robin Miller
Top Movie Cast
Finding Faith In Christtrue- Jonah The Test of Lovetrue- Rudy the Hairdresser 95ers: Time Runnerstrue- Scrooge Ephraim's Rescuetrue- Pastor Robbins Unhook the Starstrue- Drunk Bar Patron (uncredited) Ticket to Vegastrue- Dekster The Light Before Christmastrue- Hob / Santa Buffalo Dreamstrue- Virgil Grizzly Nighttrue- Ranger Kyle McGee Mythica: The Necromancertrue- Hammerhead Going to the Mattrue- Phil Pavone Return to Halloweentowntrue- Young Troll Mythica: The Iron Crowntrue- Hammerhead Mythica: A Quest for Heroestrue- Hammerhead Mythica: The Darksporetrue- Hammerhead Mythica: The Godslayertrue- Hammerhead The R.M.true- Jewelry Store Clerk The Book of Mormon Movie, Volume 1: The Journeytrue- Ishmael's Son 1 / Jonathan's Voice (voice) Moolatrue- Patron #4 (Producer) Passport to Lovetrue- Hudson Top Movie Crew
The Light Before ChristmastrueDirecting
The Light Before ChristmastrueProduction
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