Chu Tau
Chu Tau
Top Movie Cast
Miracles: The Canton Godfathertrue- Chen Wah's Man Run, Don't Walktrue- Sing's thug Return Engagementtrue- Tung's Thug Mr. Vampire IIItrue- Wild Boar Mr Vampire Saga 4true- Prince's Guard Magic Crystaltrue- Karov's Thug The Owl vs Bombotrue- Gang Member Pedicab Drivertrue- Killer at Wedding Night Lady Reportertrue- Kidnapper My Cousin, the Ghosttrue- Food Hawker's Assistant My Lucky Starstrue- Mini Bus Driver Twinkle, Twinkle, Lucky Starstrue- Boss Lau's Man at Warehouse Last Hero in Chinatrue- Constable Beat Mass Tar Wong Project Atrue- Ling's Thug (uncredited) Pantyhose Herotrue- Gangster in Opening Scene Rosatrue- Criminal Hsiung Story of Kennedy Towntrue- Thug A Serious Shock! Yes Madam!true Oh! Yes Sir!!!true- Brother Chi Legacy of Ragetrue- Michael's Thug Yes, Madam!true- Policeman (uncredited) Heart of Dragontrue- Opponent at Training She Shoots Straighttrue- Thug on Ship (uncredited) Task Forcetrue- Weasel's Boss Hong Kong 1941true- Liu's Man The Days of Being Dumbtrue- Hoodlum Tenant Her Fatal Waystrue- Jung's Man