Chiang Tao
Chiang Tao
Top Movie Cast
72 Tenants of Prosperitytrue- Tenant Challenge of the Masterstrue- Ren Leung Soul Brothers of Kung Futrue- Ga Zeng Swift Swordtrue- Leng family/Cold-Blooded Five The Battle Wizardtrue- Yue Canglong The Seisure Soul Sword of a Blind Girltrue Blind Fist of Brucetrue- Kong Do The Bloody Escapetrue- Fourth Master Iron Bodyguardtrue- Commander Pei Feng Diamond Ninja Forcetrue- Kogan The Fantastic Magic Babytrue- Ox Demon King Return of Bastard Swordsmantrue- Ega Clan's fighter Men from the Monasterytrue- Gao Jin Zhong Killer Constabletrue- Zhao Jian Na Cha the Greattrue- Auguang of the East Sea The Kung Fu Mastertrue- King Hu The Drug Addictstrue- Hsieh En Prostitute Loves Policetrue Shaolin Abbottrue- Tibetan Lama The Kung Fu Instructortrue- Sha Er Lang The Reckless Crickettrue- Dragon Style [w. bird cage] Outlaw Brotherstrue- Gangster Hsiong The Generation Gaptrue- Xiao Zhou The Savage Fivetrue- Liang Shan Ninja in the Killing Fieldtrue The Brotherstrue- Zhou Hei / Blackie Disciples of Shaolintrue- Boss Ha He Bu The Young Rebeltrue- Shi Tou / Stone Bruce the Super Herotrue- Kong Return to the 36th Chambertrue- Chief Ma The Chinese Stuntmantrue- Mysterious attacker Mad Mad Kung Futrue- Japanese judo master He Has Nothing But Kung Futrue- Wang Tsan-Tien The Kiss of Deathtrue- Gangster Crocodile Shaolin Martial Artstrue- Master Wu Chung-Ping Viragotrue- Cheng Sung Chao Shaolin Princetrue- Fire General The Clones of Bruce Leetrue- Martial Arts trainer 10 Magnificent Killerstrue The Good, The Bad & The Beautytrue Revenge of a Shaolin Mastertrue The Fast Swordtrue- Kai Shin manor's men Bed Companionstrue- Tiger Bruce, King of Kung Futrue- Student Super Powertrue- Kang Si Man's Brother Ninja, the Violent Sorcerortrue- Keung Si Taoist Snake Shadow, Lama Fisttrue- Ko Wan Fei Bruce and Shaolin Kung Fu part 2true- Shi Shaw Bruce and Shaolin Kung Futrue- Japanese thug leader The Dragon, the Young Mastertrue Endless Temptationtrue- Gangster My Herotrue- Bai Chai's man / Man in Nightclub Na Cha and the Seven Devilstrue- Centipede Devil Executioners from Shaolintrue- Governor Kao Chen Chung Bruce and Dragon Fisttrue Heaven and Helltrue- Mr. Huo Stranger in Hong Kongtrue- Jewel Robber The Tattoo Connectiontrue- Shao Chang The Intellectual Triotrue- Thai Drug Dealer Black Belt Karatetrue- School Rascal Kung Fu Executionertrue- Gawa Shima The Bold Threetrue- Shih's thug Bruce's Secret Kung Futrue Five Shaolin Masterstrue- General Chen Wen-Yao Killer Flowertrue- Senator Chiu Treasure of Bruce Letrue- Cha Yu-Fa Bruce Vs. Billtrue- Thug at fire Boxer Rebelliontrue- Old Hei The Mad Cold-Blooded Murdertrue Bruce's Deadly Fingerstrue- Ali Holy Flame of the Martial Worldtrue- Lam May Heung Ninja: American Warriortrue Challenge of the Tigertrue- "Convict" Revenge Of The Shaolin Kidtrue- Chang Chen The Pearl of Orientaltrue A Story of Lou Po-Wentrue Drunken Master Strikes Backtrue Dragonland: L'Urlo di Chen terrorizza ancora l'occidentetrue- Self A Fist Full of Talonstrue Mysterious Footworks of Kung Futrue Blood Brotherstrue- Mountain Bandit (uncredited) Ninja and the Warriors of Firetrue Freedom Strikes a Blowtrue- Girlfriend's Brother Top Movie Crew
Brave Young GirlstrueCrew
Endless TemptationtrueCrew
Brave Young GirlstrueDirecting
Challenge of the TigertrueCrew
The Pearl of OrientaltrueDirecting
Shadow Killers Tiger ForcetrueDirecting
Clash of the NinjastrueDirecting
Ninja FantasytrueDirecting
Ninja Project DaredevilstrueDirecting
Silver Dragon NinjatrueDirecting
Act of GangstrueDirecting
Ninja: American WarriortrueDirecting
Ninja in the Killing FieldtrueDirecting
Ninja, Phantom Heros U.S.A.trueDirecting
Empire of Spiritual NinjatrueDirecting
Ninja and the Warriors of FiretrueDirecting
Golden Ninja InvasiontrueDirecting
The Spy InfernotrueDirecting