Otis Harlan
Otis Harlan
Top Movie Cast
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfstrue- Happy (voice) (uncredited) Bambitrue- Mr. Mole (voice) (uncredited) Gay and Devilishtrue- Peter Armitage (the uncle) King Kelly of the U.S.A.true- Count Parcheesi Good Morning, Judgetrue- Jerry Snoot One Law for the Womantrue- Judge Blake The Silent Ridertrue- Sourdough Jackson Reckless Decisiontrue- Justice of the Peace Michael O'Connors Galloping Furytrue- Pop Tully Don't Tell the Wifetrue- Magistrate The Whole Town's Talkingtrue- George Simmonns Silks and Saddlestrue- Jimmy McKee A Midsummer Night's Dreamtrue- Starveling Ride Him, Cowboytrue- Judge E. Clarence 'Necktie' Jones The Telegraph Trailtrue- Uncle Zeke Keller What Happened to Jonestrue- Ebenezer Goodly The Redeeming Sintrue- Papa Chuchu Broadwaytrue- 'Porky' Thomson Man to Mantrue- Rip Henry The Perfect Clowntrue- The Boss Outlaws of Sonoratrue- Pool player The Big Shottrue- Dr. Peaslee Morals for Womentrue- Mr. Johnston Embarrassing Momentstrue- Adam Fuller Clear the Deckstrue- Pussyfoot Mr. Boggs Steps Outtrue- Abner Katz Oh, Doctor!true- Mr. Clinch Air Eaglestrue- Mr. Ramsey Laughing at Lifetrue- Businessman Women Won't Telltrue- Henry Jones The Cheerful Fraudtrue- Mr. Bytheway Thunder Mountaintrue- Jeff Coulter Hitch Hike Ladytrue- Mayor Loomis Dames Ahoytrue- Bill Jones Western Frontiertrue- Doc Cook An Evening with Edgar Guesttrue The Unknown Cavaliertrue- Judge Blowfly Jones Parade of the Westtrue- Professor Clayton Mountain Justicetrue- Jud McTavish The Student Prince in Old Heidelbergtrue- Old Ruder The Rider of Death Valleytrue- Peck Captain of the Guardtrue- Jacques Mademoiselle Midnighttrue- Padre Francisco The Hoosier Schoolmastertrue- Squire Hawkins The Limited Mailtrue- Mr. Joffrey Captain Bloodtrue- Corliss Show Boattrue- Capt. Andy Hawks The Prince of Pilsentrue- Bandit Chief Dad's Choicetrue- The Father I Can't Escapetrue- Jim Bonn 3 Bad Mentrue- Zach Little The Victortrue- Chewing gum baron The Singing Kidtrue- Bank Clerk (uncredited) The Mississippi Gamblertrue- Tiny Beardsley Chinatown Squadtrue- Dad, on Sacramento Street Doctor Bulltrue- Agitator The Eternal Flametrue- Abbé Conrand The Brass Bottletrue- Captain of the Guard The Clean Hearttrue- Puddlebox Girl Overboardtrue- Joe Evans His Lucky Daytrue- Jerome Van Dyne The Girl in the Taxitrue- Alexis Barnum Was Righttrue- Samuel Locke The White Sintrue- Judge Langley The Midnight Messagetrue- Richard Macy Let's Talk It Overtrue- Purser The World's a Stagetrue- Richard Manseld Bishop The Foolish Agetrue- Old Top: Carr The Sin of Nora Morantrue- Mr. Moran Hooplatrue- Town Councilman / Side Show Customer Millietrue- Luke - Counterman (uncredited) Without Compromisetrue- Dr. Evans Pioneer Trailstrue- 'Easy Aaron' Cropsey The Dixie Handicaptrue- The Old Retainer Where Was I?true- Bennett The Shepherd of the Hillstrue- By Thunder That's My Boytrue- Mayor of Athens Temperance Towntrue- Mink Jones The Dramatic Life of Abraham Lincolntrue- Denton Offut, Employer of Lincoln Can This Be Dixie?true- Thoma Jefferson Peachtree Roamin' Holidaytrue- Hiram Jenks Main Streettrue- Ezra Stowbody How Baxter Butted Intrue- Amos Nichols Disney's Greatest Villainstrue- Happy (voice) (archive footage) Up and at 'Emtrue- William Jackson The Understudytrue- Mr. Manning